Penne Pasta with Balsamico Style ペンネのバルサミコソース
Good Afternoon Everyone, It’s a nice sunny day and a little bit cold today. I have to leave for work in a bit, so I will back later tonight to finish this entry post. See you all later.
Recipe type: Main Dish, Pasta
Serves: 2
  • 3 eggplant
  • 3 bunch coriander
  • 2 tbsp Balsamico vinegar
  • 1⅓ olive oil
  • 160g penne pasta
  • salt
  1. Cut the eggplant into 1-2㎝ wide slice, chop the coriander into 1-2cm pieces. Boil the penne pasta.
  2. Heat the olive oil, in a frying pan, add the eggplant and fry, add the salt and fry, when the eggplant are light brown color, sprinkle the balsamic vinegar, and add the coriander, stir- fry quickly.
  3. Add the boiled penne pasta, and mix well. Finally, sprinkle the olive oil.
There you have it. Hope you enjoy this, until next time let’s cook together. 次回は一緒に作りましょう~^^/~~ PS: If you enjoy my Daily recipe subscribe to my RSS Feed and I also have available my first e-Book, which FREE to you for coming by and reading my Japanese CookingRecipes. Thank you..
Recipe by Cooking Japanese Style at